Toddler Room
In the toddler room we have children from the age of 2 years old to 2 years 8 months or 3.
We strive to create a warm, supportive and stimulating environment in order to help our toddlers develop to their full potential. We encourage the children to explore their surroundings, building their independence and confidence, developing their interests while improving their social skills. We recognise that emotionally nourishing relationships are very important at the toddler stage and providing support in this regard is a priority
While we value the importance of free play, we have routine and structure in our children’s day. During structured activities children get an opportunity to work within a group. Some structured activities include painting, playdough, puzzles and threading beads. These activities enhance the children’s cognitive, social, creative and motor skills. We plan activities based on the children’s emerging interests, abilities and needs. Nurturing the children’s interests and talents/abilities is of paramount importance to us in the toddler room.
We do our utmost best to create an inviting, inclusive environment for children of all abilities and ethnicities. We celebrate important holidays and events for the children in our care. We have an open-door policy with children’s parents, and they are kept up to date with their child’s daily activities, learning and development.
We avail of our large outdoor play area as much as possible, weather permitting, as fresh air and physical activity are very important for our toddler’s health and well-being.

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